Hellyar compound polymers perform across a broad spread of applications. Each of our compounds delivers exceptional functionality for OEMs and other businesses in sectors such as the automotive, furniture and domestic appliances markets. Our deep understanding of each market also means we can custom-design solutions according to your unique requirements on counts such as filler content, flame retardancy, UV resistance and other properties.
Mineral-Filled PP Compounds
Our mineral-filled PP compounds are a trusted choice for manufacturers operating primarily in the white goods, home products and education furniture sectors. The compounds are also found in the construction, vehicle manufacturing and medical industries and used as replacements for styrene-based products.
Glass-Filled PP Compounds
We offer a full range of glass-filled PP compounds formulated for producers working in diverse markets. Our compounds are widely used in the automotive, furniture, construction and oil and gas sectors, as well as for the manufacture of products in metal replacement/PA replacement, gears/conveyors and high dimensional stability housings.
ABS/ASA Compounds
Hellyar’s ABS/ASA compounds are required in a variety of major and more specialist sectors. Principal among them are the small home appliance and white goods markets, plus electrical housing applications. Others include the automotive, educational, furniture and ventilation arenas.